Episode 1: Tenchi Universe! - Forgotten Best Anime of All Time?!

Episode 1: Tenchi Universe! - Forgotten Best Anime of All Time?!

Welcome to the Blog!

Hello everybody, and Welcome! I'm Forrest Reed, and this is the beginning of Iisaka Station’s first ever blog series, entitled: Anime Archeology: Forgotten Best Anime of All Time?!, projected to span approximately five to ten anime series.

First, I'd like to start off by saying: this blog is my own personal love letter to Japanese animation, or Anime, and I am only here today and writing this because I owe a great debt of gratitude to those who were involved in the creation and delivery of this so-called entertainment, which has, more importantly, for me at least, functioned as essentially my very own personal "North Star," guiding me on my own private path, philosophically, throughout all my life, since my first exposure, at around age 5.

The reason I chose to write this blog, is that I wanted to go back in time and dig through the various anime that aired on Cartoon Network's Toonami, and Toonami, Midnight Run programs, when I was a kid, which, subsequently directed much of the course of my life, despite, that now, so many of these old shows have fallen into the cracks of obscurity, within the framework created by larger anime franchises, and potentially due to lesser marketing in some cases. So, again, Welcome!... and without further delay, let's get into our first series, starting with Tenchi Universe!, which first aired on Cartoon Network, in 2000.

Episode 1: Tenchi Universe! - Forgotten Best Anime of All Time?!

The Context

It’s the year 2000, and Cartoon Network has just begun to air its first ever afterschool and late-night anime broadcasting blocks: Toonami, and Toonami, Midnight Run. We didn't even know it was called anime, back then. The shows we watched were just weird cartoons us kids seemed to love.

Among these, Tenchi Muyo!, and, more specifically, Tenchi Universe! (the more fleshed out version of this series which is the subject of this particular article), were one of the first anime series from Japan to capture the attention of Western audiences, alongside the likes of Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, and the Powerpuff Girls, all airing for the first time in the U.S.

The Content & Present Day Reception

Tenchi Universe! is a wholesome chaotic and comedic sci-fi adventure epic-fantasy coming-of-age anime, which follows the life of Tenchi Masaki, a normal Japanese teenage boy, with the twist that beautiful ladies from outer space, including intergalactic bounty hunters, space princesses, space police, and even a mad scientist, keep landing in his family's backyard, all coming together to form a dysfunctional yet beautiful and complete, family unit.

And this is something I just learned recently, but today, Tenchi Muyo! is referred to as one of the first in a genre now widely, and also somewhat problematically known as “Harem” anime, which has come about because the majority of this show’s large cast is female, surrounding a singular primary “male love interest,” Tenchi Masaki, and the only other males featured in the show are Tenchi’s father, Nobuyuki, and his Grandpa, Katsuhito.

One thing I’d argue, however, and I think this is actually the idea which I believe spawned the larger idea to do this entire blog series as a whole, is my feeling that what’s referred to, today, as a “harem” anime, a label that carries the not-so-subtle weight of female objectification, captures nothing of the actual content of the show, based on what I actually saw when I was a ten year old boy, or how I see it now, watching it again, at age thirty. And that’s not because I condone female objectification.

For me, this sort of labeling is a tragedy, and my intuition is that, because of this unfortunate sort of branding, — alongside the vast majority of people’s tendency to be dismissive of things they simply do not know very well or understand anyway, — this show is and will continue to be, glossed over, underrated, and dismissed, by the generations to come, who were not able to see what I have.

In summary, DO NOT SLEEP on this fantastic anime! Tenchi Universe! is a series that prides itself on its comedy, epic-fantasy scale, and character development. It's not only totally different, but also much more than the profanity or perversity the "harem" label might suggest. Now, moving on, let's take a look at the lovable cast of the show!

The Main Cast 

Tenchi Universe!'s main cast includes nine characters: six women, Mihoshi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, and Kiyone, and three men, Tenchi Masaki, his father (Nobuyuki), and his grandpa (Katsuhito).

(#1) Mihoshi Kuramitsu

Accident-prone would be an understatement. Mihoshi is a clumsy, bubbly, Galaxy Space Police officer, and the comedic foil to her more serious (and despairing) partner, Kiyone. The series begins when, Mihoshi, in pursuit of the notorious space pirate, Ryoko, each crash their space ships in Japan as a result of their battle above the Earth's atmosphere.

(#2) Ryoko Hakubi

Ryoko is the galaxy's most dangerous space pirate, and the rival/arch-nemesis of Ayeka Jurai. Beneath her devilish rough exterior is a heart yearning for something more though, shown by her unquestionable affection for Tenchi, and, throughout the series, she is constantly trying to find ways to trick him into being alone with her.

(#3) Ayeka Jurai

Ayeka is a respectable stoic princess from Planet Jurai, and the embodiment of strength, leadership, elegance, and kindness. Basically, she's the opposite of the trickster, Ryoko. She is also the older sister of Sasami.

Initially, Ayeka makes an unplanned stop on Planet Earth, in search of the source of the distress signal which Mihoshi had broadcasted as her ship crashed during her battle with Ryoko. However, when Ayeka lands on the planet at the crash site and meets her old nemesis, Ryoko, sparks begin to fly until Ayeka turns to leave and is stopped by Mihoshi who begs her to stay instead of abandoning her.

Because of this, before Princess Ayeka even knows it, she has joined the Masaki family entourage, and her attempts to thwart the disingenuous plots of the rapscallion, Ryoko, lead to the discovery of her feelings for the boy who is also the somewhat unwilling target of her rival's love.

(#4) Sasami Sakurazuki

Sasami brings sunshine and sparkles to the Masaki household. Bubbly and energetic, with an infectious enthusiasm, she has a wide-eyed innocence and a love for all things cute. Her magical abilities manifest in "magical girl" transformations, parodying Sailor Moon and adding a whimsical, albeit slightly perverse touch to the series. Beneath her cheerful facade lies unwavering friendship, and a growing crush on Tenchi. Sasami's place within the series constantly reminds us to embrace the joy and wonder in everyday life.

(#5) Washu Hakubi

Doctor Washu, the mad scientist, is (according to her tiny lookalike robot cheerleaders of her own making) the "greatest genius in the universe!" In fact, that's why she was banished by the Universal Science Academy and locked away inside an imprisonment capsule in space, which eventually fell to Earth, or, more specifically, Japan, where she was hidden deep within the cave beside the Masaki family shrine, some 700 years prior to the present. 

(#6) Kiyone Makibi

A first-rate detective and one of the top graduates from the Galaxy Police Academy, Kiyone is the very talented and very serious and very frustrated foil to her very clumsy partner whom she just can't seem to get away from: Mihoshi Kuramitsu. Of all the women to join the Masaki family, Kiyone has the strongest sense for justice, which is why she tries to arrest Ryoko on more than one occasion. Kiyone has also been vigorously trying to climb the social ladder of the Galaxy Police for ages, but no matter how hard she works, Mihoshi always seems to ruin everything, and so, Kiyone spends most of her days despairing and fantasizing about the day she'll be able to ditch the woman she blames as the source of all her life's problems.

(#7) Tenchi Masaki

Tenchi Masaki is a seemingly ordinary, peace-loving highschool boy of the countryside, and he's also the caretaker for the family temple, alongside his grandpa. Tenchi prefers the quiet domestic life to anything chaotic or disruptive involving intergalactic space pirates or royal family disputes. 

I'd venture to say that, besides his relative obliviousness to the romantic advances made by the women around him in the show, Tenchi's main qualities are his loyalty and tenacity. He's sort of got that underdog's 'never-give-up' attitude, which is so common in male anime and fantasy protagonists, although he's really not portrayed as any sort of underdog in the show. He's just a normal teenage boy... or so it would seem.

(#8) Nobuyuki Masaki

Tenchi’s father, Nobuyuki, is a professional architect and the one financially supporting the Masaki family household. He plays the role of a supportive yet somewhat clueless and goofy single dad. Although, of the nine listed characters, Nobuyuki makes the fewest appearances within the show, he still features in many iconic scenes and does a lot of heavy lifting, in terms of the character development for the entire cast.

(#9) Katsuhito (Yosho) Masaki

Katsuhito, Tenchi's mentor and grandpa, is a Shinto priest and a formidable swordsman with a mysterious past, who maintains the Masaki family shrine. He has helped raise Tenchi, since his daughter Achika passed away, and he advises his grandson in matters involving alien women. 

Conclusion - Beyond Romance

While romantic elements do exist within the Tenchi Muyo! universe, they don't overly dominate the narrative. The story focuses on the characters navigating their unexpected cohabitation, learning to respect and care for each other despite their vastly different backgrounds. It explores themes of responsibility, forgiveness, and the importance of communication, all within the framework of an epic quirky dysfunctional family dynamic.

Tenchi Universe!’s core strength lies in its well-developed cast. Each character brings something unique to the table. Mihoshi's clumsiness provides comedic relief, while Ryoko's fiery personality clashes with Ayeka's stoic determination. Even Washu, the genius inventor with a mischievous streak, adds a layer of unpredictability. Tenchi, though surrounded by strong women, isn't simply a passive recipient of their affection, either. He shows genuine care and respect for each character, fostering a sense of camaraderie that transcends the "harem" label. This focus on relationships and character development is what makes Tenchi Universe! stand out, even by today's standards.

Over two decades ago, this great anime offered a blend of humor, action, and heartwarming character development. It deserves recognition not just for its historical significance but also for its enduring themes and engaging characters that continue to resonate with viewers today.


For you readers who made it through the entire article, thank you very much! Please let me know what you think, in the comments below!

And if you think you'd like to give the Tenchi Universe! series a try, you can buy the complete boxed set here, using this Iisaka Station Amazon affiliate link, which also helps to support more upcoming anime content in the future.


Forrest Reed is the sole owner and operator of Iisaka Station, Japanese e-Commerce and Pop-Up Store, based out of Cleveland, Northeast Georgia, United States.

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1 comment

Excellent writing! I feel your love for this show in your words.


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